An album of lost Johnny Cash material is due to be released after the country star's son discovered tapes of the recordings.
The late country icon recorded Out Among The Stars in the early 1980s with producer Billy Sherrill, but the album was never released by Columbia Records and the Ring of Fire star was dropped from the label in 1986.
But the singer and his wife kept tapes from the recording sessions, and these were discovered by his son John Carter Cash last year (12). He has now re-recorded portions of the tracks.
Cash tells, "They kept everything in their lives. They had an archive that had everything in it from the original audio tapes from The Johnny Cash Show to random things like a camel saddle, a gift from the prince of Saudi Arabia...
"We were so excited when we discovered this. We were like, 'My goodness, this is a beautiful record that nobody has ever heard'."
He adds, "Johnny Cash is in the very prime of his voice for his lifetime. He's pitch perfect. It's seldom where there's more than one vocal take. They're a live take and they're perfect."
The 12 tracks, which include two duets with Cash's wife June Carter Cash, are due to be released in March (14).
"OUT AMONG THE STAR" is the name of the new album, and this is the set list:
1) Out among the stars
2) Baby Ride Easy - duet with June Carter Cash
3) She Used To Love Me A Lot
4) After All
5) I'm Movin' On - duet with Waylon Jennings
6) If I Told You Who It Was
7) Call Your Mother (written by Johnny Cash)
8) I Drove Her Out Of My Mind
9) Tennessee
10) Rock and Roll Shoes
11) Don't You Think It's Come Our Time - duet with June Carter Cash
12) I Came To Believe (written by Johnny Cash)
Fernando Gil.-
Un álbum hallado perdido de Johnny Cash con material no publicado será lanzado a la venta después de que el hijo de la estrella del country descubrió las cintas de las grabaciones.
El icono de country a finales registrada entre las estrellas en la década de 1980 con el productor Billy Sherrill, pero el álbum nunca fue lanzado por Columbia Records, y habría sido grabado en 1986.-
Pero el cantante y su esposa mantuvieron las cintas de las sesiones de grabación, y éstas fueron descubiertas por su hijo John Carter Cash año pasado (2012). Hasta ahora, sólo partes de las pistas han sido regrabadas.
Cash a, "Ellos mantienen todo en sus vidas. Tenían un archivo que tenía todo lo de las cintas de audio originales de The Johnny Cash Show de cosas al azar, como una silla de montar en camello, un regalo del príncipe de Arabia Saudí. ..
"Estábamos muy emocionados cuando descubrimos esto. Estábamos como, 'Dios mío, este es un hermoso disco que nadie ha escuchado nunca". "
Y añade: "Johnny Cash estába en el mejor momento de su voz para su vida. Él es el tono perfecto. Es rara vez donde hay más de una toma vocal. Son una toma en directo y que son perfectos."
Los 12 temas, que incluyen dos duetos con la esposa de Cash, June Carter Cash, se deben lanzar en Marzo de 2014.