Side #1
1. Land Of Israel
2. A Mother's Love ( Narrative )
3. This Nazareth
4. Nazareth
5. Town Of Cana ( Narrative )
6. He Turned The Water Into Wine
7. My Wife June At Sea Of Galilee ( Narrative
8. Beautiful Words ( Narrative )
9. Our Guide Jacob At Mount Tabor
10. The Ten Commandments
Side #2
1. Daddy Sang Bass
2. At The Wailing Wall ( Narrative )
3. In Bethlehem ( Narrative )
4. In The Garden Of Gethsemane
5. The Fourth Man
6. On The Via Dolorosa (Narrative )
7. Church Of The Holy Sepulchre
8. At Calvary (Narrative )
9. God Is Not Dead
In 1969, Johnny Cash finally melded two of his favorite things: gospel music and the concept album. Although the hologram on the front of the LP is the coolest thing here, this is still the best religious album of his career, his best concept album since Bitter Tears, and his best studio work of the late '60s. Some will find this album preachy at times, but there is no denying that Cash believes every word he's saying as he and June guide the listener on a tour of the Holy Land. There is plenty of spoken-word history to be found here and plenty of great music, most notably the classics "He Turned the Water into Wine" and "Daddy Sang Bass." This is the Johnny Cash gospel album to own.
En 1969, Johnny Cash, finalmente fusionó dos de sus cosas favoritas: la música gospel y el álbum conceptual. Aunque el holograma en la parte frontal del LP es la mejor cosa aquí, este es todavía el mejor álbum de su carrera religiosa, su mejor álbum conceptual además de bitter tears, y su mejor trabajo de estudio de los años 60. Algunos encontrarán sermónes en el disco a veces, pero no se puede negar que Cash cree que cada palabra que él está diciendo que él y guía al oyente a un recorrido por la Tierra Santa. Hay un montón de la historia de la palabra hablada que se encuentran aquí y un montón de buena música, sobre todo los clásicos "He turn the water in the wine" y "Daddy Sang Bass". Este es el álbum Gospel de Johnny Cash más auténtico.