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01 - A Backstage Pass
02 - Cat's In The Cradle
03 - Farmer's Almanac
04 - Don't Go Near The Water
05 - Family Bible
06 - Harley
07 - I Love You, Love You
08 - Hidden Shame
09 - Monteagle Mountain
10.- That's One You Owe Me
Following the review of the transit of Mercury from Johnny Cash, now we have to deal with one of the best albums made ​​in terms of aesthetics the perfect sound and rhythm of his band reflected exactly, but with a negligible noise modernization. Chicka Boom Boom, is a sentence or onomatopoeia in which the review describes the style of sound through the Tennessee Two (later Three), accompanied by continued strong pace of the artist singing. Well, that is accurately reflected in this record, which continues the trend started last year 1988 with Classic Cash Hall of Fame series. So much so that the fusion of both álbumns, would result, and in 2005, the launch of the semi-boxset "The legendary" whose two albums are perhaps the best summary, modernized in acustic way, Cash's career until his admission to American Recordings.
The particularity of this album is that, as the main and best known songs of Cash (Walk the Line, Ring Of Fire, Folsom Prison, Get Rhytmn, etc.) had been added to the Classic Cash, the songs for this album were "of second line", not for their quality (which is excellent, as above), but less popular. The set list consists of ten songs, which alternate the fastest pace (Hidden shame is a revelation) with deep Christian and family spirit with Family Bibble. Other rare songs like Don't go near the water or Cat's in the craddle are designed to satisfy the listener lover of fast rhythms, and A backstagge pass (To the Willie Nelson show) explains the genesis and life of the mega group "the Highwaymen" , who in 1989 was in full swing. Well, a very good record of 8 out of 10, and the two points that are on the way, is due to the absence of songs "top". I think if you had including Big River, 9 would be assured.
Siguiendo con el repaso del tránsito de Johnny Cash por Mercury, nos toca ahora ocuparnos de uno de los discos mejor logrados en cuanto a estética del sonido perfecto y del ritmo de su banda exáctamente reflejado, aunque con una nada despreciable modernización acústica. Boom Chicka boom, es una frase u onomatopeya con la cual la crítica describe el estilo de sonido de los Tennessee Two (luego Three), acompañando con ritmo constante y firme el canto del artista. Bien, eso se refleja exactamente en este disco, que prosigue con la tendencia iniciada el año anterior con Classic Cash Hall of fame series. Tanto es así, que la fusión de ambos álbumnes, daría lugar, ya en 2005, al lanzamiento del semi-boxset "The legendary", cuyos dos discos son quizá la mejor síntesis, modernizada acísticamente, de la carrera de Cash hasta su ingreso a American.
Lo particular de este álbum, es que, como las principales y más conocidas canciones de Cash (Walk the line, Ring Of Fire, Folsom Prision, Get Rhytmn, etc ) ya habían sido agregadas al Classic Cash, para este disco quedaron canciones "de segunda linea"; no por su calidad (que es excelente, al igual que las anteriores), sino por menos populares. El set list se compone de diez temas, en los que se alternan el más veloz ritmo (Hidden shame es toda una revelación) con el profundo espíritu cristiano y familiar de Family Bibble. Otras canciones poco frecuentes, como Don't go near the water o Cat's in the craddle están destinadas a satisfacer al oyente amante de los ritmos rápidos, y A backstagge pass (To the Willie Nelson show) explica la génesis y vigencia del mega grupo "The Highwaymen, que en 1989 estaba en pleno apogeo. Bien, un muy buen disco, de 8 puntos sobre 10, y los dos puntos que quedan en el camino, se debe a la ausencia de canciones "top". Creo que si se hubiese incluido a Big River, el 9 estaría asegurado.
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